Ashley Farewell Party

Ashley Farewell Party

We say good-bye to Ashley, a student from Puerto Rico in our lab for a summer project working with Dr. Corey Tabit (dealing with poop!) We’ll miss you Ashley, and best of luck for the upcoming school year.
Annual BBQ

Annual BBQ

We attended the annual BBQ at KCBD. Lots of good food and company. Photo credits: Ma Li
Farewell Party for Maura

Farewell Party for Maura

There was food. Lots of food. We say good-bye to Maura, who has worked in the lab for over 3 years as both a lab technician and a lab manager at the Cardiovascular Research Laboratory (CVRL). She led her research with attentiveness and perseverance. She’s off to...

Welcome to Haw-chih!

We welcome Haw-chih Tai, a postdoctoral fellow from Taiwan, to the laboratory. He will be working on the relationship of vascular wall aging and the Rho/ROCK pathway.